And After

At his earliest breathe,
Prior to kicks of vigor
And writhing swims midst viscous fluids.
In the heart of smiling faces,
Out loud he cries.

After this,
On puerile knees, he crawls
Unsobber staggers and reckless falls, 
and then that first step
In a sleeping rob for the first,
He calls a lady "mam." 

Right after,
In joy out he sprouts
like a little terminal bud, 
Shooting through loam cracks
under morning sun rays. 

Faced up with atrocity 
His tale starts
as one that would end as;
"And happily ever after 
He lived."

And now, 
Down mute below a flat line he lays,
In the heart of widowed glooms
For a last glance, 
After his latest breathe.



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