
 On the other end of a tinted valence window 

pale tear stained faces puke wistful glares,

covered in raggy crochet stitches

Beneath the wuthering heat waves 

off dusty streets of Kampala suburbs

A smooth line lies between fate and fortune 

along the merciless sun scorched asphalt

anchors their nurture and nourishment

wonder how they all got there, 

wandering over emerald hazes of haunting 

unanswered "who" questions, of;

Who draws quilt covers over them,

when the day bleed nightfalls,

in raids of anopheles swarms, who offers remedy,

midst a nocturnal mare's haunt, who consoles? 

and a bigger question of "where" rumbles;

where do they go, once they surpass 14?

On this other end of the window, 

as many caress up window glass switches

a juvenile human facade threatens showers, 

whimpers off an ache from deep with in, 

for those embracing the serenity of their chains, 

endless why whispers entangle in woes;

Why, why doesn't anyone care, 

isn't there anyone with a heart? 

why does one have to face, a life as harsh

doesn't anyone even see, 

why'd one's hair, be thinned to whiskers?

why'd why, why God why.



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