
Miscellaneous wishes, 
Death or breathe
A bet for fate? 
Let me not be prey, 
To karma I pray! 

It's the journey, 
We all are destined for but;
"how does one get to her destination, 
Before she sets off for her journey?"
Peace Kamuyat, pieces spider! 

In a night mare's depth, 
A kindred over perennial atrocity, 
Weaves an endless 
spider entanglement of wistfulness, 
For doom and gloom. 

Woe Woe Woe 
For the time has come, 
Even the thinnest air 
will be taken away from you
On that fateful day,
your light will shine no more. 

Cobwebs and spears woven and smithed 
by your own hands 
Will ensnare and pierce you, 
And dogs nursed off your own tits,
Will bite your calf! 



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