I am A mist

I am mist, 
here for a moment & later be gone
A sneeze, a wink, a ripple. 

A heart breaks in a beat's skip
At the depth of languorous lusts, 
Reality blurs behind nightfall's massacara. 

In a wink,
for quietus falls a thistle petal, 
Here for a moment, & now forever be gone.

Trumpets bellow a silent-emotion's whisper
Whispers of a cold sombre romance, 
Romances of a double-adged steel bleed.

I am a mist, 
Love me now when you still can,
I'm here for a moment & later be gone.



  1. My work of poetry is inspired by almost every thing, the steps I take as I walk, random thoughts, and anything that might make no meaning to any other person.

    The above piece was inspired by the thistle a friend posted on Twitter, on his tour around the world, he was in Wales by the time he sent me the thistle images.


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