A walk to sunset

 Along sunset street sprees 

we walk nether silver skylines

blinky street lights glistening

over empty parks and sidewalks

littered by falling autumn leaves 

covered in a weak fading haze

listening to gloomy lullabies 

played by dusty rusty piano keys

synchronous to symphonies of

distorted old steam train hoots.

Beneath your beautiful 

under flares of shiny eyelashes 

we shine agile smiles in brusque

your tender little fingers fit

for the nature of my palmistry

made just for each other like

male to female slots in sleight 

grips by tips, slightly so tight

like spanner bolts to nuts

we right the fault in our stars. 

Along banks of calm waters

lazy bubbles froth among pebbles

cast stones for ducks and drakes

stones skipping with no brakes

hovering over a silver surface

giving birth to endless ripples

shiny cheeks head over chest

our hearts tell tales in slangs, 

tales known only to hearts

that fell once into love before. 

In essence of fading day light, 

reflectance as seen in a mirror 

of a river as clear as crystal 

we watch the sun go down to bed 

for a night among the consitilations 

in a blanket of montane scapes

ahead of time in thrills of sea spray

rampant feelings boiling our blood

helplessly on sands down we lay

in shudders of tingling escapes.

november (the black poet)

*whispers of love*



  1. Johnieboy9:24 PM

    Beautiful poem

    1. Oh, God. There are lots of mirrors in this world, those that are parabolic that give us that give us deformed reflections. But we always love the mirrors that bring out the best in us, the mirrors that would almost make us fall in love with our selves. I am loving you jonnie, you are a mirror I can't resist, but keep watching my self in your reflection over and over again.


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