
Taken a series of stapes

one after another

synthesized along

soothed string pricks

synchronies of acoustics

adeptly orchestrated

early upon once a prick

later upon a discernment. 

A touch of your strings

dwadles over my mind

for your charisma I fall

with tingles of euphoria 

like a shooting star make me walk

on rainbows beyond horizons and

among mermaids make me swim

for by your tunes I live on.

Curtains rolled up shut

silenting a lingering night

in a darkness so sharp

like the strum of a harp

love is a lush harmonica

played at the cast of a wish

so once will I hear the melody 

then so will I sing along.

Don't you ever dare, to stop

cause I don't wanna care

if we never get to wake or

if at all it's a dream

I pray we dream more

and more often to unravel 

all that's left of the sensuals

we yet are to discover.

november (the black poet)

*whispers of love*



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