Days of the moon

I met you my moon underneath shadows of a noon where windy chills calm to room cluelessly, I traded betrothal for doom a bequeath in a boom like ka boom a little bit too soon. Just like a full moon you killed not the dark, but unveiled the beauty of the night shining your glistening glimmer overflowing in ornaments and incenses we traded whispers for whimpers. Tons of giliter added over beauty in it's immenseness when I had not a thing to offer before a taste of the flavor of your lips I gave a heart away for collateral battered for an apple of an eye. As time goes around the clock hours fold into days, days of a moon gone to hiding behind the clouds apples turned into onions of eyes after dusk in the sharpest of nights where the brightest of stars never shines. Like a candle that melts down to wax blown by anxious winds in the night a river of tears streams down my cheeks like logs split by axe blades of steel I can feel something inside me shatter and the pieces of that th...