Loved I More

 Just like then,

when I saw you together

I had questions,

questions similar to those,

running through your mind

now as I speak.

You might have queried,

the strength,

that made me walk,

tearlessly and passed by 

until I disappeared,

out of sight into a mist

of my own oblivion.

I doubt if you could guess,

how bad it hurt then,

how deep the Incisions sunk

as they cleft through

wrinkles of a breaking heart.

Not that didn't I care,

I absolutely  did,

neither didn't I not love you

with my entire heart,

trust me I loved you

nor did it hurt not,

it really hurt so bad

I didn't leave for a thing

that had to do with you, 

It all had to do with me

not that I didn't love you,

I loved you far beyond

how words may tell;

"just that I loved me more!"

november (the black  poet)

*woes of a sombre heart*



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