Cut And Paste
My are feelings gone, faded, rather undone dead and gone days of delight unfolding, into nightfalls old of odd, nary a speck of season, but every single reason for a truth untold to unfold. Your love is a thing, so dumb so contagious your heart is a clipboard, where simultaneously feelings are cut and pasted, from me her they were cut and in a twinkle if not only a winkle for her there they were pasted. In solitary solitude, so here down to earth I am confiding in my own aches, in serenity of a breaking heart once so pure now so stained counting scars not the stars only I used to count with you numbering the days, left for a heart to heal. Even though not okay, absolutely I am okay It's okay not to be okay, isn't this what life is all about? snippets of joy for happiness, those of pain for acquaintance forgiving and forgetting so will I the pain but not the lessons learnt. november (the black poet) *woes of sombre hearts* ©2023