Anchored Hearts

Fixed you
But left my heart in fire

Not that was I wrong
All I wanted was peace
Though left my heart in pieces. 

Wonder whether you feel the pain too
At times

That's how it is
Always the vulnerable one

It's okay. 

Cause again I can't sleep without you
I can't sleep without you my love.


  1. "Fixed you
    But left my heart in fire"


    "Not that was I wrong
    All I wanted was peace
    Though left my heart in pieces."


    "That's how it is
    Always the vulnerable one"


    The best I've read yet from you, I'm sure there's more.

  2. Hermès, you are such an awesome person. You tinge my world in a way, no one else has ever happened to. I am humbled. I am sure there are many people out there, just like me, who smile due to the kind words emitted by yiur kind heart!


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I am humbled you found pleasure in writing back.

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