Were Africa

At an onset of an onslaught of dire awakens of a storm of stench, carried on by disastrous western winds sprouts out honor in the heart of Africa. for revival of indigenous etiquette In the essence of independency for a dreamlike brandnew beginning we wean off spoon feed and slavery. In fear of our inaction's consequence we query our next generation's inheritance won't our blannders become their buddens? with courage and determination a leap of faith against all odds we take a thorough thorny rough though worthy road for the conservation of zenji culture and the foundation for our nurture. Built on hunchbacks of heroic chronicles, on demeanour of righteousness we prevail solid we stand, without fear or favour bold our life begins, tall we stride on Worth not an amount nor a price created in the image of Him the most high, not Sodom nor Gomorrah, we're Africa we say no to homosexuality. @ juliuscseguya